Wassup Earth?

Ever since COVID broke out, I've always wondered the changes that's has been happening to our beloved Earth. With the help of the news and other stuff, I get to know those changes but they just seems short to me. We live on this rock for crying out loud so knowing more what's been happening to our planet can be reassuring. 

"Most people don't even realize what's going on the reason for that is the mainstream media only emphasizes stories that fit with the particular narratives that they are currently pushing." (Michael Snyder,2020) 

Here are some that has been happening right now:

1. Oceans of the world are getting hotter 

We all know the ocean is part of the Earth's four subsystems and that is the hydrosphere. I find it weird this is taking place but according to NBC News that the world's ocean hit it's highest point last year.  I think this is just caused by us humans again because we're good at this stuff, could suggest sea-level rise, ocean acidification and extreme weather events to worsen if this continues. I hope we can still swim.

2. The Earth Vibrates? 
I either forgot it does or I really don't know but seismologist says so. During the pandemic, seismologist are observing a lot less ambient seismic noises. Well that's because there are less vehicles being used outside and the noise they generate. That would mean the Earth's upper crust is moving a lot less. We obviously don't feel it but that's what seismologist do. We only feel it vibrating when there's an earthquake and that's bad.

3. Wildfire

We all know the wildfire that happened in Australia which was 46 percent larger than the one that happened in the Amazon rainforest. NASA said the smoke of these fires will completely circle our Earth which is very scary to me and I'm not even Australian. When I first heard of this, I felt really bad for the Australians. This is what happens when we humans never take care of nature. Meanwhile, a famous YouTuber who goes by the name MrBeast just planted 20 million trees. https://youtu.be/HPJKxAhLw5I (him and his friends and other youtubers planting trees) https://youtu.be/0hVZOJCYBBM (MrBeast hitting 20mil).

4. Air Pollution 

All these seem to be negative things but there are positive changes that's been happening. 
Like I said in the second one, with the absence of vehicles could also mean drop of pollution. Example of places are Delhi's air pollution levels dropped as AQI drops to 114. AQI means Air Quality Index, it basically tells the government how polluted an area is. And the country that started the pandemic China also has a drop of air pollution. 

My overall reactions to these bad and good changes are mixed with joy and fear. The virus may be healing the earth at some parts but we humans can die from it. I think this is some sort of punishment for us not taking  care of our planet. I hope we could learn from this experience and do a not-lousy job at it. As Chadwick Boseman said in Black Panther "We must find a way to look after one another. As if we are one, single tribe."

Harmeet Kaur (2020) "Pandemic making Earth Vibrate Less."
 Michael Snyder (2020) "Earth Changes Happening Right now."
Curly Tales (2020) "The Earth is Healing."
